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First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black
First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Logo in Black

Closure Updates

Writer's picture: First Church StaffFirst Church Staff

March 16, 2020

Dear Friends,

“We would like the country to realize that as a nation we can’t be doing the kinds of things we were doing a few months ago…” —Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

The apostle Paul’s writing in 1 Corinthians 12 is a defining and shaping scriptural passage.  Paul writes about using our individual gifts for the common good, caring for one another, offering compassion by suffering with those who suffer, and rejoicing with those who rejoice.

We were deeply saddened by our need to cancel worship yesterday.  It was the prudent and responsible thing to do in light of our national leaders asking us to practice social distancing; that is to set aside our individual desires for a greater, common good of others. Furthermore, The Center for Disease Control has recommended canceling events for the next eight weeks.  We are making the decision to cancel events through the end of March and then re-evaluating. A second letter will be sent the week of March 30.

Worship - Worship on March 22 and March 29 are canceled. We are offering a pre-recorded worship video, posted on our website and Facebook by 8 am, Sunday morning. Our worship videos will continue our Lenten theme, “Living the Story of Christ’s Last Days” and include scripture, message, and prayers.

Devotions - We will be posting daily devotions on our website and Facebook page.  During these uncertain times, a rhythm of life grounded in God is crucial for the health of our souls.  We hope these devotions will provide daily encouragement and inspiration.

Giving - Please mail in your contributions.  If you are able to pay ahead on your pledges at this time or give extra, it would be most helpful.  Lent is one of our most generous giving seasons. Our cash flow and overall cash position will be affected by the cancellation of worship.

Meetings, Choir, Disciple - Meetings have been canceled through March (except for those groups who will be meeting through Zoom).  Disciple classes (Disciple I and Christian Believer will meet through Zoom). Choir is canceled.

Pastoral Care - Your pastors are not permitted to visit in hospitals or care facilities at this time.  The only exception would be ‘near-death’ times. We are available to talk with you and pray with you by phone (voice or text) or email.  Our phone numbers are Church Office – 262.658.3213, Pastor Susan – 414.614.4006, Pastor Justin – 262.748.2124, Pastor Judith – 262.818.3396.

Kindness Toward others - Please take time to reach out to neighbors and friends who may have need of something ie an errand run, a phone conversation to avert loneliness, a magazine shared, a meal offered.  This is truly a time to look after others.

Communication - Ongoing updates and communication will be shared on our church’s website,, and our Facebook page,

Day Care - The Day Care has been mandated to close.  Plans are in motion to care for teacher salaries and children’s meals until the Center is able to open again.

In these days ahead, may we find new ways to be God’s people to our neighbors, family members, and one another as we seek to “build a diverse community in God’s radical love”. Please do not hesitate to contact one of your pastors if there is anything we can do for you. Our cell phones and email are the best ways to reach as our office time will be limited.

You are in our prayers, please keep us in yours.

Pastor Susan

Pastor Justin

Pastor Judith

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