A class offering you won’t want to miss begins September 23 and runs through September 27. Here is the schedule:
Sat. 23rd 10AM–12PM break for lunch & come back for a second session 1-3PM.
Sun. 24th 11:45–1:45
Mon. 25th 7:00–9:00
Tues. 26th 7:00–9:00
Wed. 27th 7:00–9:00
The class is based on the book “Do the Work! An Antiracist Activity Book”. I assure you that you will not be bored! You will learn things you didn’t know. This truly is an active class and there will be breaks. Yes, we are asking you to give up 5 hours of one Saturday, but you won’t regret it! You can purchase the book on Amazon or at Blue House Books downtown. The sign up is at the Welcome Center.
We look forward to seeing you in class! Questions? Contact Ruth Walls or Pastor Susan.