Dear Members & Friends of First Church,
We greet you in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus,
On Sunday, September 13th we will resume in-person worship at 8 & 10:30 am and begin live-streaming the 10:30 am worship services. As we follow the guidelines and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control, the Wisconsin Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, and the Kenosha County Kick-Start plans, our Sunday mornings will be very different.
limited to 50 people per service
must preregister for each worship service on our website,, and fill out the registration form, or by calling 262.237.8791 please leave your name, the number of people attending, date of worship, and which service time 8 or 10:30.
everyone must wear a face-covering/mask (we have face masks available) and will have sanitizers at each of the main entrances and exits
people will enter through the 60th Street entrance, (unless you need to use the elevator) and when dismissed, all will exit through the 10th Ave or Sheridan Rd doors.
We will not use hymnals, church Bibles, bulletins, or other printed materials, we will not sing (but will enjoy instrumental music), will not pass offering plates
During the time of offering, you may go online and give electronically, or you may come forward to the chancel and place your offerings in the basket, or place your offerings in the basket at the conclusion of the worship service.
Encourage all to use the restrooms at home, before attending worship (church bathrooms will be available for emergency only)
Sunday School classes for children and youth will meet via Zoom at 9:15 am,
If you are willing to serve as a greeter or usher, please contact Pastor Justin; We need 3 greeters and 4 ushers for each worship service.
If you are not able to attend worship "in-person', our 10:30 am worship will be live-streamed to our website, and posted to our YouTube & Facebook pages,
We look forward to seeing you as we gather in the sanctuary at or via live-stream, as we continue to build a diverse community with God's radical love!
In Christ's Love and Peace,
Pastor Justin Pastor Susan
262.748.2124, cell 414.614.4006, cell