The First United Methodist Church of Kenosha Council approved the Relaunch 2020: A Plan for Reuniting our Diverse Community, and will resume in-person worship. We will be sending out a detailed letter explaining the entire Relaunch Plan process, which is based on recommendations from Center for Disease Control, Kenosha County Kick Start Plan (City and County of Kenosha), Wisconsin Annual Conference of the UMC.
Here are the major points to our plan, again, further detail will be forthcoming.
Worship on Sunday, September 13, 2020, 8am & 10:30am
both services will be held in the Sanctuary
we will not be using any printed materials, hymnals, church Bibles, or bulletins
we will not be able to sing, but will enjoy music by listening
face masks are required (if you don't have or forgot your masks, we will have masks available), and seating will be physically distanced, with ushers seating individuals or family units
hand sanitation dispensers will be placed at each of the entrances
Sunday School for children and youth will meet via Zoom (times yet to be finalized)
Reservations will be required to ensure we do not exceed 50 people per service
encourage everyone to use the restrooms at home
Again, we will provide the complete process along with appropriate details in the printed letter to all members and friend of First Church. If you have questions, or would be willing to serve as a greeter and/or usher, please contact Pastor Justin: 262.748.2124 (cell) or email: